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TPA's RRG Analysis - What's Hot and what's not.

TPA-RRG Report

What is hot and what is not -TPA-RRG captures the inevitable movement of stocks into and out of favor.

Scores and ranking - Clients can quickly see which stocks are showing the best and worst relative strength characteristics. TPA found that using RRG’s was very beneficial, but cumbersome, so we simplified the process by creating a score for each stock and sector.

The best of both worlds – RRG & TPA

Now, clients can use TPA-RRG scores and rankings to identify stocks that are not only moving into favor, but are also technically positive.

TPA-RRG analyzes every stock in the Russell 1000 and 25 major sector & subsector ETFs

Find more in-depth explanations and links to instructional videos below.

Below is the Relative Rotation Graph for TPA-RRG’s Top 20 & Bottom 20. You can use the following link to see how these stocks have changed over time:


The top sectors in terms of relative strength and momentum seem to be associated with Russia-Ukraine

· Aerospace-Defense stocks have the best score. Of course, these stocks would benefit from conflict.

· Materials stocks are driven by shortages and commodity prices. These are exacerbated by Russia and Covid.

· Healthcare stocks stay strong because of Covid

· Energy has weakened even as Crude rallies. Watch out for these stocks if the conflict is resolved and Crude falls.

· Some TECH-related ETFs are weak, but improving as they became very oversold: SOCL, XLC, TAN, IGV have all moved toward the Improving quadrant. HACK (Cyber security was oversold, but also moved higher with the threat of Cyber attacks)

Top 20 & Bottom 20:

Financial stocks dominate the TOP 20, while TECH and Discretionary stocks are prevalent in the Bottom 20. The stocks that are in the TOP and Bottom 20 deserve to be there. Top stocks have good relative strength and momentum and are technically strong, while Bottom stocks have weak relative strength and momentum and are technically vulnerable.


Clients should be wary of reversals that could come with the lessening of conflict as many sectors became very oversold or very overbought.

Below is the Relative Rotation Graph for 25 Major ETFs.

You can use the following link to see how these stocks have changed over time:

What are RRG’s?

Julius de Kempenaer developed Relative Rotational Graphs (RRG) in 2004 and thousands of investors use RRG’s. “Relative Rotation Graphs, commonly referred to as RRGs, are a unique visualization tool for relative strength analysis. Chartists can use RRGs to analyze the relative strength trends of several securities against a common benchmark, and against each other. The real power of this tool is its ability to plot relative performance on one graph and show true rotation. We have all heard of sector and asset class rotation, but it is hard to visualize this “rotation” sequence on linear charts. RRGs use four quadrants to define the four phases of a relative trend. True rotations can be seen as securities move from one quadrant to the other over time.” - Stockcharts

What are TPA-RRG scores?

TPA recognizes the power of RRG’s to highlight stocks and sectors moving in and out of favor, but also notes the shortcoming of having to examine many RRG’s to decide where to invest. TPA has developed TPA-RRG Scores to be able to rank stocks and sectors in terms of relative strength. TPA-RRG scores are constructed to focus on stocks and sectors as they move from negative to positive and positive to negative. Scoring also allows ranking so investors can focus on the best and worst areas of the market.

How investors can use TPA-RRG

1. The Sector analysis lets clients focus on the best and avoid the worst areas of the market

2. TPA-RRG ranks the entire Russell 1000 and provides the Top 20 and Bottom 20 stocks so investors can see the best and worst stocks to make sure they are taking advantage of opportunities and not getting into trouble.

3. We also look at the top and bottom stocks through a standard technical analysis to avoid stocks that are overbought, oversold or at other technical trouble spots.

You can learn more about RRG’s with these links:

Included in the Weekly TPA-RRG Report

1. The weekly TPA RRG Report will provide RRG Scores, Rankings, RRG’s and a RRG Video for:

· 25 Major Sector and Subsector ETFs

· Top 20 & Bottom 20 stocks in the Russell 1000 - based on TPA’s RRG and Trend-Range analysis

2. Finally, TPA will provide a weekly commentary on TPA-RRG Scores and Rankings

3. Custom TPA-RRG Reports which focus on client specific stocks or sectors are also available. Contact TPA for details.


Turning Point Analytics Disclaimer

Turning Point Analytics (TPA) is only one of many tools that an investor should use to make a final investment decision. TPA is an overlay on top of a client’s good fundamental or macro analysis. TPA does not create or provide fundamental analysis. The information in this communication may include technical analysis. Technical analysis is a discipline that studies the past trading history of a security while trying to forecast future price action. Technical analysis does not consider the underlying fundamentals of the security in question and it does not provide information reasonably sufficient upon which to base an investment decision. Investors should not rely on technical analysis alone while making an investment decision. Before making an investment decision, investors should consider reviewing all publicly available information regarding the security in question, including, but not limited to, the underlying fundamentals of the security and other information which is available in filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The information and analysis contained in reports provided by TPA are copyrighted and may not be duplicated or redistributed for any reason without the express written consent of TPA. The information in this communication is for institutional or sophisticated investors only. By accepting this communication, the recipient agrees not to forward, and/or copy the information to any other person, except as permitted, or required by law. TPA does not guarantee accuracy or completeness. TPA is a publisher of technical research and has no investment banking or advisory relationship with any company mentioned in any report. Reports are neither a solicitation to buy nor an offer to sell securities. Past performance is in no way indicative of future results. Opinions expressed are subject to change without notice. TPA will provide, upon request, the details of any past recommendations. TPA’s analysis and recommendations should not be used as the sole reason to buy or sell any security. TPA may compensate brokers and intermediaries for sales and marketing services. You understand and acknowledge that there is a very high degree of risk involved in trading securities and/or currencies. The Company, the authors, the publisher, and all affiliates of Company assume no responsibility or liability for your trading and investment results. It should not be assumed that the methods, techniques, or indicators presented will be profitable or that they will not result in losses. Statements, data, and analysis made by TPA or in its publications, are made as of the date stated and are subject to change without notice. TPA and/or its officers and employees may, from time to time acquire, hold, or sell a position in the securities mentioned herein. Upon request, TPA will furnish specific information in this regard. TPA will not be held liable for losses caused by conditions and/or events that are beyond TPA’s control, including, but not limited to, war, strikes, natural disasters, new government restrictions, market fluctuations, and communications disruptions.

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